Saturday, February 26, 2011

Virtual Tech Deck Making Games

Excellent junior or: Why the high school center not only young people for outstanding performance honors

Yes, yes, the youth of today. The Can! Of this one could be convinced on Tuesday evening at the high school downtown. In the auditorium, which would redound to the glory of each town Theatre, 72 students had their big show. There were young people, distinguished by their school officially because they were in very different ways made special something ahs spectrum extends with certificates and small presents from the good book to football ticket for one match of the U-17 Junior excellent performances from the extremely high grades of the year's best about the social commitment of the school orderly and break helpers met up with the politically active youth city councils and Schülersprechern.Man that evening students who have proven themselves as arbiters, as shown have in reading competitions and Mathematics Olympiads, what they are made or to be at football and badminton tournaments not only successful but also as a fair sport guns proved haben.Tut to students actually a favor if they are as role models for the school community under the spotlight?

this dignity can not be a burden. The sophomore Randi buyer and Maik Stein, lead this evening not only by the musically delightful program and are later awarded for her commitment as a student speaker to see it differently: "That's a great reward and an incentive to keep going," see sie.Auch freshman Elias air, which is awarded with a stunning grade point average of 1.4 as a best of year feels this award as a "pleasant and motivating." for the its use as a break helper excellent freshman Marvin Steffen said: ". Such a thing should be in every school, because promoting the honor dedicated student integration and cohesion in the school community" Apart from the fact that his now well-documented use as a break workers with job applications well, then he does his volunteer work and fun, because he at the interface between school recreation and education ". can convey my experience younger students," Deputy Headmistress Susan Dieker (photo) provides the established three years ago, the official ceremony to honor outstanding achievements as an expression of "Success and culture of support."

And head teachers Gebhard Lürig emphasizes. "We make it clear by this honor, that we perceive commitment and achievements beyond the grades and recognize" recognized and honored were that night in high school downtown and not only student performance. Excellent as were also the years of professional consultants Reinhard Nastaly of the employment agency that helped in the past 30 years, about 6,000 students in career choices, which are also long-standing and committed in different fields Gabriele Kexel and about their retirement, in the day care dedicated concierge Ursula Oesterwind.

This text was published on 24 February 2011 in the NRZ


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