look back 100 years ago was the first castle bridge inaugurated
Who Broich between downtown and wants to change the clock or, walks or drives over the castle bridge. She did recently with talk of the restoration needs. The city wants to replace the seal and the roadway of the bridge, but does in its preliminary financial guidance for the first time ahead of the Bezirksregierung.Die Castle Bridge, as we know it today, was released in September 1960 for transport. But it is not the first castle bridge. The
was on 24 February 1911 put into operation. The first Castle Bridge was the successor to the Chain Bridge opened in 1844. Today you can imagine it does not, that before 1844 could only come by ferry from one to the other Mülheim Ruhr banks, if not exactly flood the same path over the river versperrte.Durch the Chain Bridge came Mülheimer left and right of the Ruhr faster first time to one another. On foot you could cross it for free. Wagons had to pay a bridge toll. But in 1874 showed the capacity limits of the Chain Bridge, then had to be reinforced to carry the increasing traffic load to können.Doch 1909 was nothing more than the mere 7.53 meters wide from the Mülheim dearly beloved Chain Bridge. It was adopted by the citizens on the day before they were demolished in October 1909 celebrated with a torchlight procession.
bridge demolition and reconstruction were not without controversy. The then Lord Mayor Paul Lembke had to let the accusations of having destroyed with the demolition of the bridge is a chain Mülheimer gem and landmarks. Discussed but not implemented, plans, between the Chain Bridge and Styrum Speldorf wiederaufzubauen.Die solid clinker and Ruhr sandstone built successor to the Chain Bridge was the city cost around 500 000 DM. The building was 164 feet long and 14 meters wide expansion of the firm green and Bilfinger. The bridge construction specialists from Mannheim had prevailed in 1907 in a competition announced by the city against 20 competitors. During the two-year construction phase could cross the Ruhr Mülheim only a temporary wooden bridge.
The opening of the first lock bridge means a tremendous mobility progress. For the first time the central Ruhr bridge not only for pedestrians and carriages, but also on the tram and to cross roads more often than Mülheims moving automobiles. The installation of an electrical bridge lighting was now möglich.Ständchen to EröffnungBei the opening of the first lock bridge, which was celebrated with gun salutes and the traditional song of the male choir mirth, gave Mayor Paul Lembke expressed the hope that this 24th February 1911, "a happy step forward for the development of the city mean" may. His Baudezernent Carl Linnaeus man had in his speech pointed out that had come in the construction no one was hurt and noted in this context: "This fact may strengthen our resolve in the hope that henceforth should manage a good star of this structure. May it all the hopes which the citizens put on the new Transportation has plentiful and still meet the most distant generations a monument such citizenship and technical skills are. "
ruled fact about the bridge, to march on in the coming decades, German, French, American and British soldiers on 11 April 1945 lucky star. Because the only bridge Ruhr she survived the war intact because of the Corporal Rudolf tax does not command its demolition executed. Irony of history: 15 years later, they should then be blown up, officially, in order for the new, now 24.50 meters wide and so much more just auto lock bridge to make room.
This article was published on 24 February 2011 in the NRZ
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