Monday, February 21, 2011

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Fromm and cheerful a feather flock together, as the Foolish hard mass in St. Mary Rosary shows

For God's sake, you might think of some carnival muffle when he hears that the carnival move now even in the church. But the fact that the foolish Festmesse Styrum the church filled St. Mary Rosary on Sunday to the last place (which is otherwise experienced only Easter and Christmas), speaks for the attraction of the symbiosis between Fromm and Fröhlich.Beides are two sides of the same coin. Of these, the pastor of St. Mary Rosenkranz, Norbert Dudek is convinced.

No wonder. The man of God was before Born 42 years in the carnival town. Therefore, it fell to him on Sunday, not too hard to keep a sermon in the best Büttenredner style in which he said among other things. "The good faith has humor about himself and his things when does a rogue out then, let the champagne crashing. I know of gay Muslims and gay communists. But often there's the carnival in the pack Merry Christians. " And left the pastor with the Karnevalsgen not only in the rhyming sermon, but lay with his guitar and serenaded a carnival goes one better.

O-Ton: "I'd like to read in the life of Prince Carnival and throw candy for you and the people." Those who are called in Mülheim already prince and princess, Hans & Saskia & Yann, and would lead contained in the silly high mass, however, the Kamellewerfens. Finally, we have not even Rose Monday. Instead, they took as the hosts for the offertory and placed on the intercessions their desire for greater joy, and the fifth not only in the season, expressed and taken to heart, of course, what Pastor Dudek gave to them and the other foolish-minded Christians on their way was: "You clowns, laughs loudly and joyfully about others and yourselves look that the royal couple are well behaved and not saut as the calves.." Amazingly good harmonize the organ of St. Mary Rosary with the drums and trumpets, the white of the musicians of the carnival societies blue, Houltköpp and die were voiced. Since hit "Praise and bless the Lord" on how self-evident: "If the Trömmelchen goes, we stand ready all." But that's not listening, and the look was worth it in the carnival festival mass in which the MükaGe-trapeze artists Noel Gaetke for the Eucharist in the sanctuary showed that professional Tanzgardistin is also home to a small space a big show.

There were in the aisle full of fools as well as before applause for Dudek's sermon and Singing. Last but not the feast mass Mülheims Chefkarnevalist Heiner Jansen was in his words of thanks to the result. "The community of St. Mary Rosary is lucky to have such active and innovative Pastor To thank them for the spiritual hospitality he made the offer, some to have community members in the Carnival ride, not without the same assurance: "The cars are built safe and stable. Because no one needs to fear. "

On Saturday, March 5, there is at 19.11 clock in Styrum Union Hall at the New Town road under the motto" nonsense in the angel ring "a foolish lookup.

This article was published on 17 February 2011 in NRZ and WAZ


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