The Catholic Church seeks it, but finds it increasingly rare in this country priest. In the last year in the Ruhr diocese only one priest was ordained. In 2011 it will be just two. honor city Dechant Manfred von Schwartzenberg was ordained a priest 40 years ago. For the NRZ I spoke to him about the sun and shade in a profession that is left for him today calling and dream job.
Was the priesthood has always been your dream job?
No. I wanted to be the first theater scholar and director, have stimulated by the example of two teachers, who played with us theater and creative things done.
Then why are you still become a priest?
The Tick of the Holy Spirit came to me by the said teachers and two priests, who I met in Essen, Münster. These were people I do not only as a pious, but also as a creative experienced and encouraged me that I could have a piece of me in vocation. This feeling is then reinforced during my studies, in which I could also build a chorus of new liturgical music.
What inspired you for your job?
be complex. I also would not say in retrospect that I had been a very religious man, whose principal benefit would have found in prayer and meditation. I have always been a pleasure, I can turn to people and help them, but to share with them the joy of the faith and to celebrate.
What makes a good priest?
The most important thing that one takes time for people and listening to them. It does them good and makes me happy, even if one of the suffering with which we are confronted as a priest, often can not change much.
1971 to be something you have, how experienced optimism?
We had a tremendous self-confidence. Our study also began the implementation of the Second Vatican Council, which provided for a renewal of the church. "Walk your way through new thinking." This time Paul's word was on everyone's lips.
you experience your church today in the crash?
We in our community is preparing a pastoral plan in which we also consider how church life can be organized in the future. At present, we feel no distress, because we have a pastor for each congregation. But in five years will look like the already different in 20 years there will be in Mülheim only one parish, St. Mary gather birth, in which all Catholic Christians. We will have less faithful and therefore also less full-time staff, fewer churches and community centers.
you frustrated by that prospect?
We must view the situation realistically, to avoid false expectations and awaken to generate frustration. My life principle is in new situations time and again to find new answers. You may not want your head against the wall. Because it breaks only the head.
We must view the situation realistically, to avoid false expectations and awaken to generate frustration. My life principle is in new situations time and again to find new answers. You may not want your head against the wall. Because it breaks only the head.
What does this mean for the church of the future?
The Church of the future will be quite different from today. We can not be everywhere have a pastor and a church. Lay people are going through a learning process and take the future even more senior positions in the church. Then the congregation will probably take communion for a sick neighbor and it will establish itself, perhaps even more private and home Bible studies. Many new forms of Church are possible and necessary, without which one could say today, as these forms look like.
The Church of the future will be quite different from today. We can not be everywhere have a pastor and a church. Lay people are going through a learning process and take the future even more senior positions in the church. Then the congregation will probably take communion for a sick neighbor and it will establish itself, perhaps even more private and home Bible studies. Many new forms of Church are possible and necessary, without which one could say today, as these forms look like.
would the abolition of compulsory celibacy resolve the shortage of priests?
There certainly are many priests who take the celibacy of celibacy will not in itself, but because they mean the priesthood and the assistance of the church something. The Church in Germany, it would certainly help if you also permits married men who do this, access to the priesthood. Why not? But that would have consequences for the world church. And the hook in it. But I also believe that celibacy is not essential for this is that feel today appointed only a few men to the priesthood. Previously, candidates for the priesthood taken much more of the company and had not put up with the question: "Are you crazy" The young men, but still today priests are often very pious and worthy to be priests.
Why is it then to cases of abuse and sexual lapses of Catholic priests?
The greatest danger I see in solitude, when a priest in his church is not recognized, but feels isolated and misunderstood. Then there is the risk that he is looking for recognition elsewhere and in extreme cases can drift into criminal aberrations that lead to such abuse. But it is often the case that such priests seek recognition in a partnership and then to give up celibacy and its Office.
Biography: who grew up in Essen Manfred von Schwartzenberg (66) was in his theology and philosophy in Münster, Bonn and Bochum 15 Ruhr in January 1971 from the first bishop in St. Engelbert Franz Hengsbach ordained a priest. After initial years of Kaplan in Gelsenkirchen, he came in 1976 as a chaplain and youth minister for the first time after town Mülheim, where he worked until 1982 in the town of St. Mary Rosary, as for ten years before he Military chaplains to the Federal Army moved. But in 1992 he returned as pastor of St. Barbara to Mülheim and, in 1993, for 15 years, the Office of the City of deans. Since 2006 he has been at the forefront of the new North Parish of St. Barbara, which along with St. Barbara (Dümpten), the communities of St. Mary Rosary (Styrum), Christ the King (Winkhausen) and St. Engelbert (Eppinghofen) with a total nearly 20 000 person belong. 2008 of Schwartzenberg appointed honorary dean city and awarded the following year for his services as chaplain with the Santa Claus United Medal. He wrote the libretto for a musical about the 1945 resistance fighters assassinated Nicholas Gross, which since 1998 by parishioners of St. Barbara, almost 60 times has been performed.
This text was published on 29 January 2011 in the NRZ
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