Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Sore Rear Shoulder Blade

Seen A foolish pleasure in Mülheim Carnival

"We all get to heaven because we are so kind," is a carnival hit. On Ash Monday, you realize that this foolish popular song has some truth. Because the carnival is so sweet and so generous to supply tens of one thousand Mölmsche with candy and co. Free. A happy Helau last. Peter
rewards the big-spending of the revelers with a spring-like weather Rose Monday at which radiates not only the faces on the car and the roadside, but also the sun.

Carnival reporter throws in the Rose Monday on board the company vehicle from the KG-tube guard, he can. He soon realizes. As Rosenmontagszugfahrer need stamina to fight the crazy three-pulling, Cracking: to survive throwing. Alone in the car of the tube guard, who must be seen by 13 clock of the Imperial Road with the number 6 in the crazy dragon of the Rose Monday procession, are piling up 150 boxes full of sweets, waffles, popcorn and bags of chips, lollipops, marshmallows and chocolate bars. The Nachwerk will be brought under the fools people.

What is cast will not fall from heaven: "Our company invests annually about 1500 € in the Wurfgut for the Carnival, the biggest part is paid by our honorary senators for the rest provide sponsors or the Main Committee wholesale Mülheimer Carnival.." told the chairman of the tube guard Ellie Schott.

It goes without saying, of course, that honor Senators, as Hebert Ertel and Brigitte Danube ride on the cars and especially mitwerfen allowed. In addition, the two tube guards are also part Wagenbauteam society. "This year we not only our own cars are of a clown converted into a Harlequin, but also built another floats to the community primary school at the break road. We had our six to seven cars farmers never made if we are not in May would have started it, "says Ertel. "I helped where I could," the Danube is reminiscent of the tens of hours in the Wagenbauhalle, in which They especially with the wood and wire company built cars blue anmalte and then cut squares of aluminum foil so that out of the blue, a silver-blue was.

Before Rose Monday is the car of the guard tube together with 34 colleagues at 14.11 clock in motion Weltgen Martin wins still fast with the Order of the Company. For the farmer, the silver-blue has for many years his executors for the Rose Monday car available and will fit well at the wheel. This time his four-and seven-year-old grandsons Thomas and Stefan with foolish of the lot.
The executor has it all. The car jerks and you can smell again and again for diesel. The toughest job in Zugteam Guard of the tube have no doubt the folders that accompany the cars of the company on foot and prevent over-zealous Kamellejäger come under the wheels. As I said, carnival need stamina.

And that includes not only a good throwing technique, but also skills on shaky ground. As does the warm tea, with Ellie Schott supplies the team cars of the tube guard, very well. Alcohol is taboo to the coaches. Only treat for the train to Scotland and her colleagues at the Mardi Gras carnival party at the city hall for a beer as a reward.

The Carnival is a true school of life. You can see that side of the road. Even when Kamellefangen is: Who to come late are punished by life. Some revelers at the roadside have a good fishing technology, brand umbrella, plastic bags and cowboy hat, or they know that they are a happy Helau and a smile so set the scene, they get a lot more thrown at something than others who are somewhere in the broad middle and wait. You have to take what's raining from the sky and left.

No question. Technically seen throwing the good old chestnut of the Rosenmontagszugfahrer still first choice. But for the revelers on the road is not nearly as aerodynamic bags of chips are higher in price. If we at the beginning of the 3.5-kilometer train yet: "Who is to throw everything and the ease", we recognize at least be on Friedrichstrasse open, as the last boxes that when Wurfgut enough is never enough, it can be when the car crew go even her quietest reserves that were maybe meant for the period after the train, on the bonds. But giving is also on the Monday just blessed than to receive, especially if you look Rosenmontagszugfahrer as in so many happy and grateful faces the road.

This article was published on 8 March 2011 sitting in NRZ and WAZ

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carnival with a difference:: High on the silver-blue cars of the tube guard stopped a field report as Elferrat at KG Blue White

Normally, the carnival reporters somewhere in the back room and watch the revelry on stage at the beginning. But on this carnival Saturday it's different. He sits at the meeting of the pomp KG Blue White Altenhof in the very front and experience the action on stage from behind. An unusual but very appealing prospect.

of the eleven council stands, one can observe above all the leg work of the dancers and of Tollitäten particularly well and also amazed at what they conjure up a show to a mere four-by-eight-meter-wide stage. With all respect, even before the revelers, who built the stage in several days of work. In the eleven Council grandstand you can feel every step that is danced on the stage, whether you sit on his little folding chair and just stands. It has therefore, automatically the rhythm in the body, at the one in this discussion.
Speaking of rhythm. The most important rule you learn as Elferrat very quickly. All or none!. As an eighth Elferrat one must not only of what's happening on stage and in the hall, but also to his colleagues. Getting up set, with his hands to heaven, clapping, swaying and singing. Everything happens synchronously on the narrow Elfer Council stands, almost by itself is called group dynamics.

And while the usual carnival reporters ever sit back comfortably, he Elferrat as always at the height of his foolish events and participate. As Elferrat we supposed to be a model for the revelers dancing in the hall and not as fun of brake line. The
this Ago to almost 100 percent of the costumed audience Elferrat which lays only dimly. Here and there you guessed in only a few candles lit room one or the other cowboy, clown or cap carrier.
The Elferrat of the press has created to celebrate the day a colorful jester's cap and the Order of the Prince and the pair of KG blue and white, it has been awarded during the session. Sitting in on a pure road Civil Penalty Council grandstand or stand would be foolish indeed considered to be almost naked.

The red fabric noses, missing the penalty Tollitäten the boards straight to the beginning of the ceremonial meeting, they stand to remind them of their obligations as a mood-maker them well. However, this can be regarded carnival fun accessories make for their support is a mixed blessing dar. For as long as you have them sit on the nose, one can only breathe through your mouth and off.

A definite pleasure on this evening, the dancers and musicians of the KG blue and white, which will ensure with their colleagues from the Neukirchener dancing bees, an indescribably feminine men dance ballet, or just over 50 musicians and dancers of the Aachen KG Eulenspiegel just for atmosphere, as ventriloquist Peter Moreno and the Funky Marys from Cologne.

The mood singers from the Rhine, the penalty can not simply sit on boards behind him, but take it as a sing-along border and mitschunkelnde Back Round Boys from their stand down. Press can not. Join For Elfer Council is the first duty. Thank God the stage-proven Blue & White President Thomas Strassmann be at the behest of the five nifty ladies from the cathedral city of even a dance solo lie down on the stage floor. Sometimes it's nice when a Elferrat in the front row, but not at the forefront. But it must also then the president of the Women's distinguished Bütz with the company and orders. The privilege of a president. Man is happy. Strassmann, the President handled alternately at his place with scepter, microphone and program notes, is just a real carnival professional. This is also when the late Neukirchener bees dance and he skillfully the gap program with a self-sung pop round: "Hey, what's up, we party all night." skillfully plays on without crashes that the mood in the room.

all night to celebrate the blue-whites did not want. After more than four hours, the penalty for the councils have passed by in, make the musicians of the Blue KG White with "thank you. Goodbye. Next time it will be just as beautiful." for an atmospheric finale, while the penalty councils descend on a small wooden ladder from its stand and then have secure stage floor under your feet.

Silly notes in passing: When did

Elferrat on Saturday I participated in the Blue White KG. Since I was happy and I laughed more than once. The princess, a Rheinhessin has brought us eleven o'clock foolish fellow red noses, mood
because we have the set up and keep us they wanted to hurt. Guests of the Elferrat, I was always pretty handy. I did not move only in the swaying, constantly up and down, singing and some revelers songs
I'm not with juice, rolls and chocolate bars herumgematscht on the penalty council table, but it is so applauded that, my fingers almost sore. But it was worth it, because the matter was really about.

As foolish newspaper man I could not just sit by the Elferrat and sweating under the lights. Since I had between my sometimes sharp pen. And during this maneuver my red aces fools fell between the cracks
stage I, poor Mohr, who lost his red nose ahead of time. But thank God, had the Tollitäten humor. When she came back later, her criticism was probably in the frame. Even the threat of punishment to take today's car struck the prince, I am not poor wretch Gottlob. I'd do it even with delight. But I did it, I fear, I would have would have Ash Wednesday on the back and up to the next in the Eleventh Eleventh go painfully on crutches.

This article was published on 7 March 2011 and WAZ NRZ

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20 years ago the war in Kuwait and the Mülheim carnival and had the Carnival fail

Can we celebrate Carnival, if there is a war elsewhere? While pulling at us today with the Carnival revelers through the streets, for example, in Libya and Afghanistan fought and died. 20 years ago, in fact, one can choose to cancel the Carnival, because there is war in Kuwait. Under the auspices of the United Nations and led by the U.S., offers an international alliance, the troops of Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein from Kuwait, which he had occupied a few months earlier.

Under the title "The Prince makes it now very comfortable" writes the NRZ on Rose Monday in 1991 in its local edition: ".. A day like any other for most businesses and government agencies from Carnival hardly something to feel" The fact that military "Operation Desert Storm" the Carnival 1991 will stop, is especially bitter after already turn out the Carnival 1990 because of a completely natural storms reaching musste.Dennoch shows the then Prince Wolfgang I. (Schmitz) of the Red sparks in an interview with NRZ understanding of the war-related cancellation of the carnival procession, in which 15 cwt candy should be brought under the fool people . "We're compassionate people. And if we have made in our reign that the people once and for could forget the terrible events of war a few hours, then we have fulfilled our task. I know exactly how the boys down there have to feel. So it's unfair, here to shake things up, "said the then 65-year-old Schmitz, who had lived through the Second World War as a soldier in the Air Force.

Even his then 43-year-old Princess Gisela II (Engels) reacts . 20 years left on the failure of the most foolish public holiday which falls on February 11 at the time the NRZ reporter Andrea cancer, she says: "I feel the same way as before. The fact that we do not celebrate on the streets, but I fully understand. I do not cry. "Instead to ride the carnival procession through the city, Prince Wolfgang makes with his wife on this memorable Carnival Monday 1991, a cozy afternoon at home before moving to more than 90 session presentations in the evening ceremonial passing of the Prince couples to Raphael house Hing mountain goes.

being acquired for 1000 Mark Prinzenornat suggests, says Schmitz of the NRZ, he did not want to hang back in the closet, but his tailor for a small use discount back verkaufen.Allerdings leaves the local edition of the NRZ their readers on the Monday 1991, not in the dark about that, unlike in the small Tollitäten, than their larger peers, bitter tears of disappointment are flown. Therefore, according to the paper, we consider the Main Committee wholesale Mülheimer Carnival, Princess Marina, Prince Tobias and Harlequin Conny in the next session again to proclaim as Kindertollitäten.

This article was published on 7 March 2011 in the NRZ

Saturday, March 5, 2011

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In Memoriam Teobert Kuhs: memories of a crazy car maker

On Carnival Monday will drive the tractors that pull the carriages, with crape. In order to greet the car maker for the last time its the age of 73 years died foreman Teobert Kuhs. What in the past 22 years came in colors, shapes and figures with the Carnival to roll, wearing his signature.

"You can get involved and realize things that you might otherwise never realize," he said to me eleven years ago. At that time I wrote for the NRZ my first report about the crazy car maker. "I just take time with," I had Kuhs said at a carnival event. And suddenly I was standing in a dark factory building of the Mannesmann Tube Works, where it was cold and wet. It seemed to me like a dark hole. But Kuhs said only: "It's always nice shady." This was typical of his self-irony humor.

Kuhs never took themselves too seriously, as it years later for his contributions to mölmschen Carnival knighted by the Leaning Tower wurde.Wenn the body shop master who had found his carnival home at KG Mölm Boowenaan, told the basics of car building and his designs, we noticed: The man knows whereof he speaks. And he can tackle not only talk but also with.

master of Mülheim car production he has been mentioned many times and rightly so. But he never hang out perfect. Under his direction, it was easily accessible and collegial. It has not only worked, but also laughed and celebrated. You could: Here, people pull together and have fun at the common task: "The sound can sometimes be hard. But Teo always helps, "said Lothar blacks out of the carnival tradition, once a Mölmschen Houltköpp Kuhs.

The car maker took the life with a mixture of realism and foolish serenity. I remember a terrible rainy Carnival, which I witnessed on a cart by Kuhs Mölm Boowenaan. Their faces were as bleak as the weather. But Kuhs said only: "It's just water. It saves you a shower. Be glad it does not snow and cold. "When he has drawn from his serious illness, in 2010 the shell of the new Wagenbauhalle visited in port, he stifled a shred of compassion with the simple phrase: "I do not know what you want. The sun is shining and I'm alive. "Today, Kuhs lives in the hearts of his fellow men, and has continued them with his serenity and earth way.

This text was published on 5 March 2011 in the NRZ

Saturday, February 26, 2011

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Excellent junior or: Why the high school center not only young people for outstanding performance honors

Yes, yes, the youth of today. The Can! Of this one could be convinced on Tuesday evening at the high school downtown. In the auditorium, which would redound to the glory of each town Theatre, 72 students had their big show. There were young people, distinguished by their school officially because they were in very different ways made special something ahs spectrum extends with certificates and small presents from the good book to football ticket for one match of the U-17 Junior excellent performances from the extremely high grades of the year's best about the social commitment of the school orderly and break helpers met up with the politically active youth city councils and Schülersprechern.Man that evening students who have proven themselves as arbiters, as shown have in reading competitions and Mathematics Olympiads, what they are made or to be at football and badminton tournaments not only successful but also as a fair sport guns proved haben.Tut to students actually a favor if they are as role models for the school community under the spotlight?

this dignity can not be a burden. The sophomore Randi buyer and Maik Stein, lead this evening not only by the musically delightful program and are later awarded for her commitment as a student speaker to see it differently: "That's a great reward and an incentive to keep going," see sie.Auch freshman Elias air, which is awarded with a stunning grade point average of 1.4 as a best of year feels this award as a "pleasant and motivating." for the its use as a break helper excellent freshman Marvin Steffen said: ". Such a thing should be in every school, because promoting the honor dedicated student integration and cohesion in the school community" Apart from the fact that his now well-documented use as a break workers with job applications well, then he does his volunteer work and fun, because he at the interface between school recreation and education ". can convey my experience younger students," Deputy Headmistress Susan Dieker (photo) provides the established three years ago, the official ceremony to honor outstanding achievements as an expression of "Success and culture of support."

And head teachers Gebhard Lürig emphasizes. "We make it clear by this honor, that we perceive commitment and achievements beyond the grades and recognize" recognized and honored were that night in high school downtown and not only student performance. Excellent as were also the years of professional consultants Reinhard Nastaly of the employment agency that helped in the past 30 years, about 6,000 students in career choices, which are also long-standing and committed in different fields Gabriele Kexel and about their retirement, in the day care dedicated concierge Ursula Oesterwind.

This text was published on 24 February 2011 in the NRZ

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Cooking Whole Eye Fillet

look back 100 years ago was the first castle bridge inaugurated

Who Broich between downtown and wants to change the clock or, walks or drives over the castle bridge. She did recently with talk of the restoration needs. The city wants to replace the seal and the roadway of the bridge, but does in its preliminary financial guidance for the first time ahead of the Bezirksregierung.Die Castle Bridge, as we know it today, was released in September 1960 for transport. But it is not the first castle bridge. The

was on 24 February 1911 put into operation. The first Castle Bridge was the successor to the Chain Bridge opened in 1844. Today you can imagine it does not, that before 1844 could only come by ferry from one to the other Mülheim Ruhr banks, if not exactly flood the same path over the river versperrte.Durch the Chain Bridge came Mülheimer left and right of the Ruhr faster first time to one another. On foot you could cross it for free. Wagons had to pay a bridge toll. But in 1874 showed the capacity limits of the Chain Bridge, then had to be reinforced to carry the increasing traffic load to können.Doch 1909 was nothing more than the mere 7.53 meters wide from the Mülheim dearly beloved Chain Bridge. It was adopted by the citizens on the day before they were demolished in October 1909 celebrated with a torchlight procession.

bridge demolition and reconstruction were not without controversy. The then Lord Mayor Paul Lembke had to let the accusations of having destroyed with the demolition of the bridge is a chain Mülheimer gem and landmarks. Discussed but not implemented, plans, between the Chain Bridge and Styrum Speldorf wiederaufzubauen.Die solid clinker and Ruhr sandstone built successor to the Chain Bridge was the city cost around 500 000 DM. The building was 164 feet long and 14 meters wide expansion of the firm green and Bilfinger. The bridge construction specialists from Mannheim had prevailed in 1907 in a competition announced by the city against 20 competitors. During the two-year construction phase could cross the Ruhr Mülheim only a temporary wooden bridge.

The opening of the first lock bridge means a tremendous mobility progress. For the first time the central Ruhr bridge not only for pedestrians and carriages, but also on the tram and to cross roads more often than Mülheims moving automobiles. The installation of an electrical bridge lighting was now möglich.Ständchen to EröffnungBei the opening of the first lock bridge, which was celebrated with gun salutes and the traditional song of the male choir mirth, gave Mayor Paul Lembke expressed the hope that this 24th February 1911, "a happy step forward for the development of the city mean" may. His Baudezernent Carl Linnaeus man had in his speech pointed out that had come in the construction no one was hurt and noted in this context: "This fact may strengthen our resolve in the hope that henceforth should manage a good star of this structure. May it all the hopes which the citizens put on the new Transportation has plentiful and still meet the most distant generations a monument such citizenship and technical skills are. "

ruled fact about the bridge, to march on in the coming decades, German, French, American and British soldiers on 11 April 1945 lucky star. Because the only bridge Ruhr she survived the war intact because of the Corporal Rudolf tax does not command its demolition executed. Irony of history: 15 years later, they should then be blown up, officially, in order for the new, now 24.50 meters wide and so much more just auto lock bridge to make room.

This article was published on 24 February 2011 in the NRZ

Monday, February 21, 2011

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Fromm and cheerful a feather flock together, as the Foolish hard mass in St. Mary Rosary shows

For God's sake, you might think of some carnival muffle when he hears that the carnival move now even in the church. But the fact that the foolish Festmesse Styrum the church filled St. Mary Rosary on Sunday to the last place (which is otherwise experienced only Easter and Christmas), speaks for the attraction of the symbiosis between Fromm and Fröhlich.Beides are two sides of the same coin. Of these, the pastor of St. Mary Rosenkranz, Norbert Dudek is convinced.

No wonder. The man of God was before Born 42 years in the carnival town. Therefore, it fell to him on Sunday, not too hard to keep a sermon in the best Büttenredner style in which he said among other things. "The good faith has humor about himself and his things when does a rogue out then, let the champagne crashing. I know of gay Muslims and gay communists. But often there's the carnival in the pack Merry Christians. " And left the pastor with the Karnevalsgen not only in the rhyming sermon, but lay with his guitar and serenaded a carnival goes one better.

O-Ton: "I'd like to read in the life of Prince Carnival and throw candy for you and the people." Those who are called in Mülheim already prince and princess, Hans & Saskia & Yann, and would lead contained in the silly high mass, however, the Kamellewerfens. Finally, we have not even Rose Monday. Instead, they took as the hosts for the offertory and placed on the intercessions their desire for greater joy, and the fifth not only in the season, expressed and taken to heart, of course, what Pastor Dudek gave to them and the other foolish-minded Christians on their way was: "You clowns, laughs loudly and joyfully about others and yourselves look that the royal couple are well behaved and not saut as the calves.." Amazingly good harmonize the organ of St. Mary Rosary with the drums and trumpets, the white of the musicians of the carnival societies blue, Houltköpp and die were voiced. Since hit "Praise and bless the Lord" on how self-evident: "If the Trömmelchen goes, we stand ready all." But that's not listening, and the look was worth it in the carnival festival mass in which the MükaGe-trapeze artists Noel Gaetke for the Eucharist in the sanctuary showed that professional Tanzgardistin is also home to a small space a big show.

There were in the aisle full of fools as well as before applause for Dudek's sermon and Singing. Last but not the feast mass Mülheims Chefkarnevalist Heiner Jansen was in his words of thanks to the result. "The community of St. Mary Rosary is lucky to have such active and innovative Pastor To thank them for the spiritual hospitality he made the offer, some to have community members in the Carnival ride, not without the same assurance: "The cars are built safe and stable. Because no one needs to fear. "

On Saturday, March 5, there is at 19.11 clock in Styrum Union Hall at the New Town road under the motto" nonsense in the angel ring "a foolish lookup.

This article was published on 17 February 2011 in NRZ and WAZ

Friday, February 18, 2011

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If the tube guard and provide their friends Engelbertusstift for the fun of it, the reunion has been doing for 40 years joy

you can have fun in the nursing home? You can. This proves the senior carnival on the tube Garde invited the silver-blue last Sunday in the Engelbertusstift. For 40 years, the silver-blue clowns provided at the Frankfurt City for the fun of it. Previously, the nursing home still run by nuns and priests of St. Engelbert Endlein Eric went into the tub. "Only once we had to suspend. That was during the Gulf War in 1991, "recalls the singer of the tube guard, Elli Schott.

The honorary chairman of the tube guard, Werner Heisenberg and his wife, Waltraud have 38 of the 40 carnival celebrations witnessed in Engelbertusstift: "Today, the elderly are much more active than before," says Heise. Thomas Strassmann from KG Blue White was able to confirm as a pop singer of the carnival feast day only: "People do not only know the old ones, but also the new pop songs and sing with everyone," he praised his audience. This was also visible in spite of many handicaps, the enjoyment of pleasure and sway not spoil. Only rarely do you see so many costumed revelers in a colorful room decorated like Sunday's could not and would also Engelbertusstift.Da device manager Lutz Sarzio a Blues Brother with dark sunglasses are not inferior. "Since Most residents leave the house only rarely able to participate in normal daily life, we want to bring with festivals like this as much normalcy as possible into the house, "he describes the human value of Carnival in Engelbertusstift.

The residents who could participate due to health reasons, no longer at the Mardi Gras event at the ground floor of the old people's home, got on the tube guard a colorful clown decorations, the handicrafts their friends from the Fliedner workshops for them as a small carnival greeting hatten.Außerdem attracted the musicians of the KG nozzle with a bang all through the house. "We were only concerned that perhaps might be too loud. But then we the residents and staff have said no, is quiet with a band. For the more life into the house, the better. "Says Ellie Schott.

This article was published on 24 February 2011 and in WAZ NRZ

Thursday, February 17, 2011

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Why the local water utility RWW overlooking the Valentine's Day to save water advises

Many people wonder how they can save water. "This is not really necessary for us, because we are a blessed land with water," says the press officer of the RWW, Ulrich Schallwig. However, he finds that one idea should think about the saving of water when his sweetheart for Valentine's Day flowers schenkt.Er points out that about 80 million roses from water-poor developing countries such as Kenya, Ethiopia, Colombia and Ecuador are.

"In every bunch of roses for Valentine's Day," said Schallwig, "put nearly 120 liters of virtual water from regions with dramatic water shortages and a daily struggle for water. They are almost as much as for the consumption in the household are employed, namely 122 liter. "Schallwig even involve the consequence that he gives to his wife for Valentine's Day flowers, but prefer to eat with you're going. But the man from the RWW, it will spoil in no case with the florist for flowers and therefore does not advise abstinence, but for the purchase of regional and seasonal flowers, not for their manufacture and transport much so Water and energy must be expended, as of flowers from overseas.

Hans-Hermann Nagel, who sold his wife Angela on the weekly market at the Castle Street Flowers says. "We do not pull even our flowers, but refer them to the U.S. Currently, we sell a lot of seasonal flowers such as tulips, bulbs, anemones and freesias. But of course, the roses are in demand all year round. "Most of the flowers, nail selling he and his wife come anyway from the region, from the Lower Rhine and in Holland. However, he also roses from Ecuador in the range, and very strong. Hans-Hermann Nagel and his wife also offer roses from the so-called Fair trading on that from a customer perspective but have the disadvantage of a section of a € more expensive than conventionally produced overseas flowers.

Claudia Brück of Transfair estimates the market share of the roses in the Republic to about one-third and the proportion of flowers from fair trade and fair production to about 2.4 percent. In order to get roses and other flowers from overseas the-black-green turquoise-colored fair-trade mark, they must have been without child labor, fair wages, and produced in an environmentally friendly manner.

"customer must be favorable, especially flowers," says the Styrum florist Edith Friday. Her colleague, Heike Simons from city center asks its customers never asked, where are their flowers and the conditions under which they are made. Will still provide two flower traders on fair trade flowers. "I can calculate something different," says Friday, it is important to sell flowers made fair and includes the estimated 95 percent of their flowers from the region and the neighboring Netherlands.

Heike Simons Julia Roloff customer who bought yesterday at her a bouquet of purple tulips, admits that she previously did not know that our flowers not only from Germany and Holland, but some come from overseas to us. But even now, she preferred flowers of the season and region. Now begrudge they are tulips and a little later in the year then the peonies have their turn. And what about the flowers for Valentine's Day from prices ". This is, as always in the market demand determines the price," says Edith florist Friday and charged in the wholesale of Valentine's premium of about five cents per flower.

This text was published on 11 February 2011 in the NRZ

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

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Like a experienced Mülheimer with Egyptian roots of the Revolution on the Nile: A Conversation with Adel Saliman

see how and experience a Mülheimer with Egyptian roots of the revolution in the homeland of his father, which he himself knows well from personal experience. I talked about it for the NRZ with Adel Saliman.

Do you have the revolutionary Events in Egypt surprised? The
has surprised me in any case. That is a process that is not decided over night. The thought had to first set up times and people's fear to be overcome. It all started with the Tunisian student who burned himself and sacrificed it. When I saw that, I have indeed thought that the protests could also spill over to Egypt. But I have not anticipated that the protests were on such a scale.

Have you during your visits in Egypt and in conversations with relatives and friends living there, some of the discontent of the people and the repressive apparatus the Mubarak regime felt?
this apparatus of oppression, I myself have felt. This was a military regime. The suppression was there. Time and again people have been oppressed and massacred. It was torture. There was murder. There were families whose relatives had disappeared for weeks. Everywhere there are from city to city military checkpoints. I'm with friends once drove 500 kilometers from Sharm El-Sheikh to Suez and controls on the route five times been. They wanted to know: What are you doing? Where do you come from and where do you want? And why do you want to go there, where are you going? That was scary. This is a police state in any form, in which people not feel comfortable because they want to be free.

Were you even harassed by state security forces?
The problem I had not even because I do not like an Egyptian, but look like a foreigner. Therefore, they used to always left alone.

How could freely speak with people in Egypt?
With my family could not and I can talk about anything. Since I do not have to worry that something is divulged. But outside you had to have to be careful with his statements. There is a secret police, the President and do not work for you. All that being said wrong will be used against you. I mean we can talk about policy, but some topics so addressed, as should be done. It has for example not to say that the president is doing wrong. Among friends we have talked about it and everyone knew what it is, without express it concretely. Because the fear was great, tomorrow to be gone.

See the events in Egypt different from the German television viewers and newspaper readers without family links to Egypt?
course. This is a part of me, because my family lives there. And it hurts me to see that the people there so many years had to endure suffering and injustice and the more I am now about what they tun.Frage: Would you be a contribution to the mass protests Answer: I would go immediately to the streets. But I would distinguish between violence and demonstration. The escalation of violence is not correct, because it does not over what you want, namely a peaceful life in a democratic welfare state and that the current president is now in a fair manner.

In the West many people are afraid of a takeover by the Muslim Brotherhood. As you can see the future of Egypt?
I see it with mixed feelings. The Muslim brothers to come to power. The remains from not at all. They are the strongest opposition group in Egypt. It is good that they accept Mohammed El-Baradei. Because this is a person who knows about as a former Secretary General of the International Atomic Energy Agency in the world. He received the Nobel Peace Prize and is known on the political level and knows the international law. accept the fact that the Muslim Brotherhood such a personality, suggests that they are not as Islamist, as you might think. Surely they must engage in cooperation with El-Baradei to compromise. It would be my wish that Egypt is a social state and a democracy in which all people can live freely and peacefully, without fear of saying something wrong.

needle Saliman was born 34 years ago, the son of an Egyptian father and a German mother in Mülheim. As the needle (This name means: the mediator) was five years old, the family moved to Suez, where his father worked as a draftsman for six years for British and American companies. Then the family returned to Mülheim zurück.Doch Saliman, who now works at the central field of the regulatory office, the close contact kept to the homeland of his father, as he visited every year for several weeks, his relatives living in Suez and Alexandria. Also survived his sister, who is married to an Egyptian, by now Vaters.Nach lived in the home of the detail of the Urban Research in Mülheim end of 2010, 72 Egyptian citizens

This text was published on 9 February 2011 in the NRZ

Monday, February 14, 2011

Freight Train Simulator Games Online

From the sinking of a small business: 30 years ago the railway arches were at the railway road opened

The 30th and 31 January is in my calendar painted red, "says family researcher Bärbel eater. That this is so has to do with the story of her family. Because at 30 and 31 January 1981, the business of their parents at the railway arch 19 was torn down. This demolition was 30 years ago, a long business tradition under the railway arches on the railway road to the end. For when Gerhard Esser in 1955 his business there for fishing and camping supplies opened, he was not the only businessman who was among the 1865 built and opened in 1866 as a railway line in operation railway arches his quarters.
His daughter was born in 1961 remembers not only a legendary chip shop, an ice cream shop and the extinguishing arc of that time was really under the railway arch and more consumption on the beer and the traditional local pub, the market people.

As Esser was a child, her neighbors were acting under the railway arches, for example, leather goods, fruits and vegetables, clothes and food or money they earned their money as the repair of bicycles.

If you look at the colorful mix of industries under the railway arches and see how the railway arches look like today, one wonders in retrospect as to why in the 70's had the idea to open the railway arches and demolish the resident businesses, homes and warehouses . "It was then the opinion that the railway arches represent their shops a traffic-retardant structure," says Esser believed in progress and the car-friendly spirit of the 70s. "The driving force behind the project was the then mayor and Planning Committee Chairman Gerd Müller," the present city spokesman Volker Wiebel, whose parents remembered as enthusiastic campers were among the regular customers of family eater.

took the one year before the opening of the sheets 1980 with their annual Straße. Those who recognize considered the old pictures of the busy railway arches on some of the shops and living rooms.

you could save on the railway line live at all without being deaf? "Our 50 to 60 square meters large house was well insulated and removed," said Esser remembers her childhood under the railway bridge. The vibrations of the trains took them and their parents, as opposed to guests no longer true. And even their teachers who are convinced of it at a home visit, that you could make under the railway arch and total peace and homework, marveled at the relatively high living comfort.
In her research is Essers to an article from the Mülheim General Anzeiger of 24 July 1905 struck, that shows that you thought was already on the opening of the railway arches. There is to be read in part: "In the previous long time ago by the columns of various newspapers controversy concerning the transformation of the local railway station conditions was the transfer of the Rhenish Railway and called for the sake of beautifying the city through the removal of the railway bridge and the railway embankment."

documented early as 1890 A newspaper report of a business fire at the railway arches, the buzz in this town on the outskirts of town hall and watch market. And 1954 described the NRZ (see box), the resurrection of the mall under the railway arches. Yet emerged in the 1970s, when the Rhine-Ruhr-center and the City Center's first shopping centers and at the Castle Street is a pedestrian zone, this old business district appeared on the railway to remain literally at the track and was run over by the train of events to be . The opening of the railway arches that you wanted aufhübschen with vines, trees and flower boxes, we understand that time as part of the inner city renewal, in the course were also the railway road and its old-time Founder houses restored, rebuilt and renewed. After the opening of the railway arches 1982/83 railway tracks for today's tram line 102 were deployed in the meantime, however, goes underground for 13 years by the Ruhr Tunnel. In the 90 years was discussed again whether they could not revive the railway arches back with stores and apartments. This can be rejected but for cost reasons.

Klaus Beisiegel, who works as a consultant in charge of the issue Baudezernentin Ruhrbania can remember in this context, consider proposals, the railway arches as an art and cultural spaces to use. As part of the Ruhr Promenade construction area 3, there are, according to Beisiegel, plans a residential building next to the railway arches to grow, so that this house could be entered through the arches, while the old railway line then the cycling and walking would.

In April 1954 writes the Mülheim NRZ.. "The ugly arches of the railway embankment in the rail road seem to be decorated now pretty The first one, handicraft shop Gwendolyn Bushman It is intended under the archway 23, a pretty shop one. The city is once again very interested to create a so-called mall. Although the railway arches be used since a long time, they give off as sheds and garages not a pleasant picture. That it may create a favorable image for the city embankment front is to prove now. And will have also found imitators, so that maybe sooner or later the ugly face of the embankment completely transform. "

This article was published on 31 January 2011 in the NRZ

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Does Implantaton Bleeding Have Clear Tissue

Quo vadis Stadkirche? Quo vadis the Priesthood: A Conversation with Manfred Mülheims honor city dean of Schwartzenberg, the priest since 1971

The Catholic Church seeks it, but finds it increasingly rare in this country priest. In the last year in the Ruhr diocese only one priest was ordained. In 2011 it will be just two. honor city Dechant Manfred von Schwartzenberg was ordained a priest 40 years ago. For the NRZ I spoke to him about the sun and shade in a profession that is left for him today calling and dream job.

Was the priesthood has always been your dream job?
No. I wanted to be the first theater scholar and director, have stimulated by the example of two teachers, who played with us theater and creative things done.

Then why are you still become a priest?
The Tick of the Holy Spirit came to me by the said teachers and two priests, who I met in Essen, Münster. These were people I do not only as a pious, but also as a creative experienced and encouraged me that I could have a piece of me in vocation. This feeling is then reinforced during my studies, in which I could also build a chorus of new liturgical music.

What inspired you for your job?
be complex. I also would not say in retrospect that I had been a very religious man, whose principal benefit would have found in prayer and meditation. I have always been a pleasure, I can turn to people and help them, but to share with them the joy of the faith and to celebrate.

What makes a good priest?
The most important thing that one takes time for people and listening to them. It does them good and makes me happy, even if one of the suffering with which we are confronted as a priest, often can not change much.

1971 to be something you have, how experienced optimism?
We had a tremendous self-confidence. Our study also began the implementation of the Second Vatican Council, which provided for a renewal of the church. "Walk your way through new thinking." This time Paul's word was on everyone's lips.

you experience your church today in the crash?
We in our community is preparing a pastoral plan in which we also consider how church life can be organized in the future. At present, we feel no distress, because we have a pastor for each congregation. But in five years will look like the already different in 20 years there will be in Mülheim only one parish, St. Mary gather birth, in which all Catholic Christians. We will have less faithful and therefore also less full-time staff, fewer churches and community centers.

you frustrated by that prospect?
We must view the situation realistically, to avoid false expectations and awaken to generate frustration. My life principle is in new situations time and again to find new answers. You may not want your head against the wall. Because it breaks only the head.

What does this mean for the church of the future?
The Church of the future will be quite different from today. We can not be everywhere have a pastor and a church. Lay people are going through a learning process and take the future even more senior positions in the church. Then the congregation will probably take communion for a sick neighbor and it will establish itself, perhaps even more private and home Bible studies. Many new forms of Church are possible and necessary, without which one could say today, as these forms look like.

would the abolition of compulsory celibacy resolve the shortage of priests?
There certainly are many priests who take the celibacy of celibacy will not in itself, but because they mean the priesthood and the assistance of the church something. The Church in Germany, it would certainly help if you also permits married men who do this, access to the priesthood. Why not? But that would have consequences for the world church. And the hook in it. But I also believe that celibacy is not essential for this is that feel today appointed only a few men to the priesthood. Previously, candidates for the priesthood taken much more of the company and had not put up with the question: "Are you crazy" The young men, but still today priests are often very pious and worthy to be priests.

Why is it then to cases of abuse and sexual lapses of Catholic priests?
The greatest danger I see in solitude, when a priest in his church is not recognized, but feels isolated and misunderstood. Then there is the risk that he is looking for recognition elsewhere and in extreme cases can drift into criminal aberrations that lead to such abuse. But it is often the case that such priests seek recognition in a partnership and then to give up celibacy and its Office.

Biography: who grew up in Essen Manfred von Schwartzenberg (66) was in his theology and philosophy in Münster, Bonn and Bochum 15 Ruhr in January 1971 from the first bishop in St. Engelbert Franz Hengsbach ordained a priest. After initial years of Kaplan in Gelsenkirchen, he came in 1976 as a chaplain and youth minister for the first time after town Mülheim, where he worked until 1982 in the town of St. Mary Rosary, as for ten years before he Military chaplains to the Federal Army moved. But in 1992 he returned as pastor of St. Barbara to Mülheim and, in 1993, for 15 years, the Office of the City of deans. Since 2006 he has been at the forefront of the new North Parish of St. Barbara, which along with St. Barbara (Dümpten), the communities of St. Mary Rosary (Styrum), Christ the King (Winkhausen) and St. Engelbert (Eppinghofen) with a total nearly 20 000 person belong. 2008 of Schwartzenberg appointed honorary dean city and awarded the following year for his services as chaplain with the Santa Claus United Medal. He wrote the libretto for a musical about the 1945 resistance fighters assassinated Nicholas Gross, which since 1998 by parishioners of St. Barbara, almost 60 times has been performed.

This text was published on 29 January 2011 in the NRZ

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Rikers Island Days For Visits

A look outside the box to Latin America: An interview with the Brazilian Bishop Alfredo Schaffler

The longtime auxiliary bishop and former chairman of Adveniat, Franz Grave uses his spiritual retired as pastor in the parish of St. Mary Mülheimer birth. But his long-standing ties to Latin America, which he knows from personal experience, has the 78-year-old theologian is not lost and that is why in December 2010 the Brazilian Bishop Alfredo Schaffler (photo) to a Latin America Week invited to the Ruhr diocese. At a retreat in the parish of St. Mary Mülheimer birth searched priests and lay people to talk to Schaffler, to get ideas for their own community work. The Tagesspost for the Brazilian Bishops met on this occasion for an interview and got to know a man of God who does not tell us much about Latin America.

How to become an Austrian bishop in Brazil?
I ended up on television in Brazil. You see: Television has its good side. There I saw speak at the Second Vatican Council, a Brazilian bishop and heard by 16 from Austria went to Brazil and there was a priest. The time has brought me from my European peace. That was the reason why I have my life turned upside down and started again. Thus, even after my studies in Brazil priest and later bishop.

What you take from your visit to the Ruhr diocese with to Brazil?
gratitude, joy and conviction that the world has become a global village in which we must move closer together, where we also learn from each other and live together as brothers and sisters, if we listen to each other.

What have you learned here itself?
There is so much positive in Germany, which has grown over centuries of Christian proclamation and now finds the fundamental idea in economics, in politics or in school. But I have also met many committed community members get involved because they recognize that the church is not all priests and all of us as believers in a ship, are all in place.

But church without a priest does not and we have here, in contrast to Brazil for a priest shortage.

The lack of priests is certainly a sign of God. He will lead us, perhaps meaning that we more strongly by the Baptism go to every believer, making their contribution that the Church is always a lively, foot-washing Church, which is perceived as a sign of hope for the people in which we learn through the church again and again that we are brothers and sisters in a world can live together.

can learn what the Catholic Church in Brazil and Latin America from the Church in Germany and vice versa?
It is not for me to say what the German church can learn from us. But what can we learn from the church in Germany, which are many elements. I am thinking of the good organization that you have here. We can by the thoroughness , With which one might learn a thing and she continues convincing. But we can learn from the openness of the people of our world. How many people here have learned over the decades to see beyond borders and to identify horizons. As a member of the Episcopal Conference of Brazil, I can only be grateful. For what would our church in Brazil and in Latin America without standing behind the many Catholics in Germany, by Adveniat, Miserior or other actions. We were certainly not the Church that we are today. We are certainly not just a holy, but also a sinful church. But we can certainly put a lot of signs of holiness, hope and change, because We have heard from the background of the action Adveniat in 50 years a lot of help. For this, we feel deep gratitude. And that was another reason for me to accept the invitation to say thank you. This is a bridge which has been hit. But a bridge is supported only by pillars. And that is a pillar Franz Grave. Such columns are also the two priests from the Diocese of dysentery, which act today blessing in my diocese through their efforts at persuasion.

you referred to your visit but also successfully for funding in the cistern tree in your diocese. Why?
We live in a very dry area in which there are six Months of the year is not raining and the people can not just turn on the tap to drink water. But what is life. So we build cisterns, that we can collect rain water to families in the dry months of rain water have, they can use to wash, drink and cook. For 400 € you can already build a cistern, which collects about 15,000 liters of rain water. That means that by the people of the dry season and not withdraw into the cities or even leave their country must. You can stay to raise their children and to work their land. That is life. Of course, we also have social centers, in which we take in children whose At home, the street is where we give sewing and cooking classes to show the people, for example, how to create a vegetable garden. For what it receives with one hand, the pass must be with the other hand, in order to give people hope.

assess how you as a Catholic bishop, the relationship between church and state in Brazil, the now divorced from his office socialist President Lula?
The relationship between church and state is a relatively peaceful. It seeks dialogue and the Episcopal Conference is listened to with much respect by the President. But unfortunately, it is then often it is not and into reality.

made last inhumane conditions in prisons Brazil headlines. How is the situation of human rights in Brazil?
I was ten months in a detention center. There sat a 158 men. Of those, 60 percent younger than 25 and only 30 convicted. The others awaiting trial. This can often take years, even if innocent people. Including innocent people often lose two or three years of her life in which they have nothing positive can learn to their lives. This is against human rights. And here we see the present government not much progress, because it lacks core values. I mean honesty and truthfulness. We have not much fraud and corruption. And as long as lie is often told, until it is sold as truth.

What do you expect from the successor to Lula, Dilma Rousseff?
As Church we must always be a hopeful church to give hope. And we hope that as a woman may have a greater sensitivity to bring their employees to act, so it is for example in the health system better. What is on paper, to be implemented, namely, that the poor fellow has the opportunity to obtain medical treatment that improves the education system and we have less illiterate. We have less corruption and is badly shattered, with more honesty and there is less embezzlement. This is what we expect.

try to respond as the Catholic Church in Latin America to the challenge of the evangelical sects?
The fifth Latin American Episcopal Conference has given an impetus for us something more to be a missionary church. We must not become accustomed to church. Because if you get used to something, there is a danger that one is asleep. And the Church can not sleep. Evangelization was with us often superficial. The heart is one of the Brazilian Jesus Christ, but of the head that comes first and we were not always because we are not always drawn out with missionary enthusiasm. We have in Brazil, but also a Constitution that grants tax exemption for all religious communities, but not exactly define what a religious community. And so, each open at the next street corner, the Church of the blue eyes of God to hide his taxes behind. For most cults are a purely financial company and we can counter only, in which we more strongly to be a missionary church.

How do you assess the situation of the Catholic Church in Latin American countries, like Venezuela, being ruled by a regime neosozialistischen and where there is a front line between church and government?
In Brazil we have now, after many years of a concordat, in which the legal relationship between church and start is defined. What we hear on the Latin American level, by people who come there, since then the economic situation in Venezuela very poor and the poverty in size. This is a socialist system in which President Chavez is often harassment and violence, the existing concordat with feet. Although this is an international agreement, but he does it with other countries. For us this is of course a concern that such a man to have in the government, the courting supporters, but also not as popular. Since we are closer as a church there in the people because you realize: There is indeed much talk, but the reality is different. For the Church this is a difficult situation. Because there is virtually no opposition. All messages will be checked. Democracy is violated. Because democracy is freedom of speech and will not be accepted. And in this regard, it has also some trends in Brazil. The future President has now said: The noise on the street is better than the silence of the dictatorship. She herself has suffered under a dictatorship. We hope that through it keeps its word, too. But there are some trends that we have that you want to curtail freedom of expression and control the communications. This makes us worry.

How important from your point of view of the alternative Nobel prize for your fellow Brazilian bishop of the Diocese of Xingu, Erwin Krautler, which is so committed to the conservation of tropical rainforests and the rights of the Indians?
This award is important for him so that his word may be heard more. Specifically: for trying in his area to build a huge dam. This is now done, although he has promised the president that it is not done. The result: there are 30,000 people through the water driven from their homes. And since there is no plan what to do with these people. As he stands up and asks: Can one agree? This he has done in a peaceful manner. The companies that make this building and are interested in seeing him, of course, not you. He has to go with police escort. You have to remember. In the flooded areas live Indian tribes, for whom it is important to live where their ancestors are buried. If they were evicted from their land, which would in their minds a similar extinction of their tribe. And on the other hand stands the Bishop Kräutler. But unfortunately he is not, despite all promises to the public authorities of Brazil heard.

Biography: Alfredo Schaffler was born in 1941 in the Austrian Forest Farm and is a compatriot of his coming also from Austria, Brazil bishop colleagues Erwin Kräutler, now for his commitment to the rights of the Indians and the preservation of tropical rain forests been awarded the Alternative Nobel Prize.
After his secondary school was Schaffler 1955 to Vienna to join the Congregation of Christian Brothers. From 1963 to 1966 he worked as a religious teacher and educator in Feldkirch. Then he decided to leave Austria to work as a priest in Brazil. After his ordination in 1966 he was first in the Brazilian Diocese of Picos worked before he went in 1978 for a church law graduate studies in Rome.
Back in Brazil, took over the task of a bishop's vicar Schaffler for Economic Affairs and was also active as a priest in Teresina. Since 1985 he heads the established in 1944 and 20 500 square-mile diocese Parnaiba in northeastern Brazil. Here live some 550,000 people, of which about 80 percent are Catholic, six percent more than the Brazilian national average.

The Catholic newspaper THE DAILY MAIL has published in January 2011, a shortened version of that conversation. For more information, visit: www.the- tagespost.de and : www.adveniat.de

Monday, January 31, 2011

Ceragem Montreal Canada

Church in Transition: merge Protestant communities: for example, left the Ruhr

municipality mergers may also go easy on the stage. "This is so harmonious expired, that it's scary all right," said the Rev. David Rudat Saarner. And his Broicher colleague Gerald Hillebrand the community meetings accounted for on the Lindenhof and the Wilhelminenstraße were discussed where on Sunday the merger plans, saying: ". There were some critical inquiries, but no contradiction" Against this background, short of the two presbyteries on Sunday evening to the action and adopted the merger. The merger left the town clock is no accident. The first interviews were conducted a decade ago. Since the common church music exists left of the Ruhr, where the community is involved Speldorf. These discussions have been intensified as 2006, two pastors were to retire.

"We of course have the Speldorf asked and they would have liked to have had it, but there is seen still do not have to act and has told us. Do you do time," said Pastor Hillebrand, why the links Ruhr community Speldorf not first with the Fusion fishing boat. Broich Saarn and are therefore willing to merge, because both communities lose 100 a year for church members, they die or quit the church aus.Warum at the community meetings suggested no resistance to the merger, is obvious. Basically, almost anything can go on as before.

"We have a healthy budget and are not a poor devil," said Hillebrand. Broicher the municipal budget is worth one million euros and the amount of Saarn to 1.5 million euros. Therefore, in Broich and Saarn can all churches, community centers and day care centers will receive and all employees will keep their jobs. In the division of parishes and pastoral duties, members of the parish priest teams even more than before synergies . Use Such was the pastor Broicher Hillebrand already as a pastor for about 400 church members in the North German district Saarn responsible Schleswiger around the street.

He just its functions can now take things a little more relaxed, he was following the departure of his colleague Klaus Rosorius since November as a pastor in Broich Einzelkämpfer.Aus of currently vacant half the youth leader position in Broich and the temporary half youth leader position in Saarn wants the new community youth leaders make a full point. Also available in the community kindergartens Lindenhof, the kingdom, the Calvin and at the Otto-Pankok Street extension and conversion works for childcare places under-three year old on the agenda. The only last year built a new organ in the Saarner village church and the restored ten years ago, church on the Wilhelminenstraße see Rudat and Hillebrand than pounds, can proliferate with which the municipality, without having to take in the years to cash in your hand.

There is now paying out due to the demographic changes that the community Broich in 2005 the church was built in 1965 on the abandoned road and Calvin had demolished. "We operate on an equal footing. We have a better look at the overall community and save us a lot of meetings and by-laws," said Hillebrand looking forward to the cooperation in the new community, from August until the election of the presbytery in Spring is headed in 2012 by a joint management committee represented. Another advantage of fusion provides Hillebrands colleague Rudat fact "that our volunteers in the new community have called time must not, how would we do that, if each municipality would continue to work on their own."

The new community-Broich Saarn is 1 August formed. It is 11? 500 parishioners, about 4600 in Broich and about 6900 in Saarn. The Rev. Gerald Hillebrand (Broich), David Rudat, Thomas Jantzen, Jantzen and Verena Jürgen Krämer share parishes 3.7 and conform with national church setting, according to 3000 church members a pastor does. The new church next to the clock will have approximately 50 employees and maintain three churches, three community centers and four nurseries. The churches and community centers are at the Lindenhof, the elder road and at the Wilhelminenstraße involved in the day-care centers Calvin, at the Otto-Pankok and from the Reichsstrasse.

This article was published on 25 January 2011 in the NRZ

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Dark Colored Hardwood Flooring

Church in Transition: merge Protestant communities: for example, in the north

"We recognized that a merger is the best way to long to stay efficient and functional," says the Dümptener Rev. Gundula Zühlke (photo), the Agents Committee of the new municipality directs. "We have a larger scope," believes her committee colleague and financial Kirch champion Hans-Joachim Behr, pointing out that the new Luke community was set with its 2.5-million-euro budget in the person of Simon Sandman now has a new full-time youth leader and almost 40 employees from the old to the new municipality were taken. Only one office and a cleaner and a caretaker who lost their jobs.

also has the new community in the wake of the merger process separate from the community centers in the New Town Road in Styrum, at the Helen Street in Dümpten place in the poet Goethe and the district. 2013 is also the task of the youth center planned oasis in the stock street. Retained the churches and chapels in the Oberheidstraße 231, at the Kaiser-Wilhelm-Straße 21a and the Albert Road 86 and 136th Street in the stock The sale of abandoned property as well as a former community center land to the Mellinghofer road will bring new money into the cash strapped church. Faced with dwindling tax revenues and church parishioners financial figures show Kirch master Behr believes that the church must save Luke in the next five years, around 450,000 €. He expects the budget of the St. Mark's church to which accession may be considered later this year than likely, he comes to a total savings of about 700,000 € for the next five years.

But the new Lukas community wants to not only save but also invest. So shall the Styrum Immanuel church tower further restored and the child care center at Kunterbunt Schildberg for the care of under-three year olds and expanded. The neighboring building that was formerly used by the Protestant Family Education Center, will be for the previously prepared at the Helen Street Headquartered youth floor. The reconstruction and expansion of the kindergarten Kunterbunt fails with 620,000 euros to book, from which the municipality must take 225,000 euros. 100 percent of the town is estimated at 300,000, however, the tower restoration fund in € Styrum need.

Zühlke, Behr and church architect Volker Schrödter agree that the candidate who also situated in the north St. Mark's Church community is appropriate and desirable, and signal the call of the new openness Lukas community. Social marketing concepts, as now discussed for the community center on Winkhausen Knappenweg holds Schrödter in times of falling church tax revenue for a principle worth considering option for solving financial problems.

The new Luke Town: The 1 January 2011 in Mülheim north formed Luke Lutheran congregation consists of the former municipalities Dümpten, locust and Styrum. The new Community has 12? 000 members and five ministers. From 2013 it will be four. For comparison, in 2005, the three new towns in the old part of town together Lukas still almost 13 800 members?. If the parish Markus 1 June would join the new community north 17? 000 members and three ministers from Markus.Bis to elect a new presbytery in 2012 the congregation is led by an authorized committee, chaired by Rev. Gundula Zühlke of five representatives of the old was composed of communities and appointed by the Kreissynodalvorstand is. The members of this Committee were represented on 30 January, with a Mass at the Church at Immanuel Styrum Kaiser-Wilhelm-Straße to office.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

How Much Is It For An Aquarium Weddings

Because the helpers need help, or help as not only a benefit concert by the Caritas Foundation can

Because the number of church members back the number of church tax payers to get the social services of the Caritas significantly less money from the diocese than they did years ago. "We do not want to connect to the Western Wall and reflect instead on our creativity," said Caritas board member Hans-Theo Horn recalls the founding of the Caritas Foundation.

After a lead time of three years, she went in 2007 to start and now has a capital of 60,000 € accumulated. In addition to private donations and donations went to the endowment and proceeds from previously six charity concerts, each under the motto "recorded" notes against the emergency "money for a good cause. The seventh benefit concert is on 30 January, by 17 clock in St. Mary of the birth Althofstraße under the baton of Werner Schepp (photo) on the stage.

music lovers who listen with 15 € for the concert ticket is not only good but also do good to expect a tuneful program of Christmas choral music from England and choral music by Johann Sebastian Bach. Come out to play musically with a project and the youth choir of the parish of St. Mary's Assumption, the cantor Werner Schepp us his colleague Jens Christian Vogel from St. Mary Birth and the Folkwang students Jens Hilger (piano) and Julia Uthmann (harp).

sees the number of concertgoers Caritas board also Horn "as a barometer for the appreciation of the social work of Caritas." The six previous benefit concerts at the historic St. Mary's Church Church Hill was well attended. Although the Charity Foundation in first time this year will distribute income, you need given the current interest rate no great imagination to develop, to imagine that must be made with the current share capital of no great leaps. Therefore, at the Caritas Foundation is currently on the principle of hope, hope for tax-favored contributions, donations, or project-based grants.

The first returns of the Foundation Board would like to let you get the industry Horn Cafe at the Caritas Centre at Hing mountain road. Here are mentally ill people a day structuring employment offer. Come to Horn and his colleagues at Caritas director Regine Arntz and Urban Dean Michael Janssen sometimes not, like King Sisyphus ago, when they witness how the demands on the Catholic social organization, because poverty increases, but decrease the available church tax money?

Horn answered this question so again happy with his life motto: "Not the Beginning is rewarded, but the perseverance!" And so he remains convinced "that cause the church to go."

more information on Charity Foundation you can get at Hans Theo Horn by phone: 0208/481545, by e-mail: hans-theo@horn-mh.de or visit: www . caritas-muelheim.de
This text was published on 28 January 2011 in the Ruhr word: For more information about the Catholic weekly newspaper of the Ruhr diocese, see: www.ruhrwort.de

Friday, January 28, 2011

Dog Sounds Like Whooping Cough

A conversation about the desire and the burden of a new beginning with the job-seeking Wojciech Brzeska

"every beginning there is a magic that protects us and helps us to live." For instance, the writer Hermann Hesse, in "stages" has-written poem. But what about the magic of new beginnings when we, as Wojciech Breszka if you look at a new job, look for, because one has lost his job. For the NRZ Brzeska I talked to about the joy and burden of a new beginning in difficult times.

As you have seen the change in the new year?
The job loss is already a big event, especially when this experience twice in a short time must make and the fault and for purely operational reasons. What made me say goodbye to my job more bearable were the very warm solidarity of my colleagues who have shown me that it was not for me and my work was much appreciated. It feels good to have in such notice a difficult situation of change that people think of and sympathize.

Is it hard to motivate yourself after such a setback for a new beginning?
I am a devout Christian. And let me make in this situation because I know that my professional life is predetermined by God and I will not now fall into the void. For I know a strong ally on my side and so on can also give my worries to a higher authority.
experience the alternation between job loss and job search is not there for the first time such a thing as you the routine?
I am now a bit quieter than the first time, but I would not call it routine. Because that job loss and job search are too serious a matter. But I am already strengthened by the experience that it worked once before in my life with a new career. And I am confident that this time again out well.

Have you in your situation for the new year what good intentions?
I was not passive. And I am not going to be. My first intention is to make every effort to get a sequence point, so my job search is not too long and I will be back soon with both legs in the working world. I also want to maintain contact with my former colleagues or to brush up. I would also make 2011 more sports and do something for my health. I think, for example, to the to the swimming and cycling. For I am become as desk workers in recent years is very unsportsmanlike.

In real life you have to scramble even, to move forward. What gives you the power to find your faith?
I am an optimistic person. Added to this is my family who gives me strength and I repeatedly shows that it deals with my situation and me to mind, that it was not up to me, that I have now lost my job.

you as a father but also a material liability. Sets the job search under pressure?
I feel this responsibility, some pressure, but also as a motivation in career start and had the confidence that will help me in my 14 years of professional experience to quickly find a new job.

Could you imagine, quite a fresh start in a new job?
Why not, if the new job would correspond to my ideas and values. I finally had in my previous work life to get incorporated into new areas. I see a new beginning as an opportunity.

feeling your leisure as involuntary as a job seeker burden?
You have to structure the day-conscious and can not push things on the back burner. We must not wait for job offers, but must look actively for them and approach them. But I do not feel that my time as a jobseeker slowly passes. Sometimes makes it fun to have more time for things that must be done in the house and the one during the occupation had no time.

you with your moving from Poland to Germany ever started again. Helps you this experience in their present new beginning?
That was a very different situation because it was a voluntary and conscious decision taken. This was for my wife and me no adventure and no leap.

the person: Wojciech Brzeska was born in 1965 in Sosnowiec, Poland, and studied after high school in Krakow and Katowice Germanistik. In 1988, he decided together with his wife to relocate to West Germany. In 1995 he graduated from the University of Essen for a master's degree in Germanic and theology courses. He then graduated from the Academy of the TÜV Rhineland in Dusseldorf additional training as a journalist and public relations from 1996 to 2006 was responsible for the press and public relations for the Catholic parish church and the Caritas. After the dissolution of the Catholic Press Office, he joined 2007 Mülheim social Holding, which operates the city's nursing homes. Here he remained until the end of 2010 worked as a PR consultant and as an executive assistant. Brzeska is the father of a 15-year-old daughter.
This text was published on 19 January 2011 in the NRZ

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Freezy Freekies Pumas For Sale

The ARTelier Rudziok offers a new crime comedy again great fun on a small stage

The man can kill a fellow, at least on paper, or rather on the stage. And this is said with due respect: hilarious. The speech is the author and artist Armin Rudziok who does not live by, but for his art. The man earns his living as a finance officer and dumps his first detective comedy "Death of a financial officials" just a colleague to bless this life. "I'll take it out to me. For I am even one," jokes Rudziok. He adds, however, added mildly: "The murder victims have been disclosed for any other occupational group can come. "Entertaining KomödieRudziok who knows from his day job," that is in each tax return a life story, "an entertaining comedy with many strange characters and even more wit wrote that pass in the art studio Rudziok on Heelweg 10 in Winkhausen across the stage is.

far from the North Road Rudziok operates with his wife Martina a small room theater where he was seen already with several staged readings of the more sinister and macabre nature. That's ridiculous trade for him, uncharted territory. But he has, as the dress rehearsal of his play was to enter with success. His wife Martina, who themselves already have some comedies "The dear neighbor" or the "best friends" has written for leading art studio, this time directing and embodies the not so funny, but just so hilarious widow of the Dr. Grace. So much was revealed before. The woman doctorate in the courthouse that values its title, is strongly suspects. Because she has forgotten in its tax return a small savings account with two million € and therefore a problem with the murder victim.

"This is a true bean counter who sees only its own records, but not the people. This one fellow wants a financial officer," his fictional colleagues Rudziok characterized by the Tax Office Mülheim-outer city, which he of course play itself is, as the scrap dealer Alfons Mocke, the landlady of the fleet Jacqueline Koslowski Constance (played by Dana Bruning) from the Café Bizarre would like to put his junkyard feet.

Mocke, which an audit is coming up, has as much a motive as the café owner. For the usually dutiful financial officer was indeed a day when their guest, but has had only ever write. Or is murder of officials in the end to the account of the great male hairdresser Uschi Liebhardt, really cute played by Anica Isermann, the finds from the tax office not so great because of their professional independence, he always bureaucratic stones may legt.Man in the way and look forward to the end and open Quicktime mitlachen.Apropos laugh. Colleagues have also actually laughed when they heard of Armin Rudzioks criminal and comic theater ambitions. "Yes, they have. And some have even already signed up for a performance," the Autor.Und confirmed that he goes to the proof that financial officials understand quite fun.

registration (for reasons of space are needed) and information Rudziok the art studio at the phone number: 0208/444 209 48 Additional information on the event calendar can be found at: http://www.artelier-rudziok.de/

This text was published on 20 January in the NRZ

Friday, January 21, 2011

Bart Hits Homwe With A Chair

For ten years, Donum Vitae also offers in Mülheim, not only in abortion advice and help: an interview with consultant Ulla Höhne

Where one door closes, another opens. "This proved true wisdom of the French writer Moliere on 2 January 2001. For then the door opened pregnancy conflict counseling office of the association Donum Vitae (Gift of Life), after the doors of the Catholic crisis pregnancy counseling centers by ordered by Pope John Paul II's departure from the statutory pregnancy conflict consultation had closed. For the NRZ I spoke with donum vitae consultant Ulla Höhne about the work that she and her Mrs Betty van Bubat Hasseln and administrative specialist Ilse Roberts does.

Given the history was the establishment of Donum Vitae and the opening of its own advisory body quite tricky. Who supports you in the beginning?

We have been supported by very many committed Christians, who were of the opinion that the Catholic Church is not the pregnant women in the conflict must be left alone. There were also people from the area of Charity who have made strong for us. I am thinking, for example, Anne Terhune, who to this day as volunteers in support of our Board Association committed.

What qualifies you and your colleague for the difficult task of abortion advice?

I am social worker and my colleague, a social scientist. I also have additional training as a systemic family counselor. And my colleague is also trained as a therapist interview.
How will your finances work for people seeking advice free?
80 percent of our budget is funded by the state. The remaining 20 percent are from municipal grants and from membership fees our currently 60-member association and from donations.
What makes the profile of the crisis pregnancy counseling in Donum Vitae?
We offer a Christian, what many women is important. We also advise Muslim women who come to us willingly. We benefit from positive word-of-mouth and the fact that we not only offer abortion counseling, but also advice and help with partnership conflicts, domestic violence, prevention and education issues and in monitoring of women after the consultation for have chosen their child.

How many Women seeking advice from you?

Last year, we have 570 consultations with 315 women out. For comparison, in our first year counseling center was visited by 97 women, with whom we have had at that time 179 consultations. We can look forward to an ever-growing popularity.

How has your counseling work changed since 2001?
It is harder and become more complex, because most women have more and multilayered problems. I can not remember, for example, that would be the first year a woman with a violence problem in their partnership came to us. Meanwhile accumulates this problem, especially in connection with unwanted pregnancies. Previously, no women came to us in need of grief counseling, because they have lost a child or with the burden of abortion are not clear.

What do you see the reason for this shift in emphasis?

I believe that today more women dare to go with their problems to the public and talk about their problems. And even today we have problems in the eye and talk to them, to which we have not thought ten years ago.

also looking for men Your advice?
rarely full. Every year, I may have one or two men in counseling who are not as clear with the decision of their partner. About 75 percent of our consultations we exclusively with women and about 25 percent of couples. Often women are also aware of at first alone in our consultation in order to be clearly independent from their partners about their own decision.
The counseling center of Donum Vitae at the Castle Street 8 to 10 Monday through Thursday from 9 to 17 clock and Friday from 9 to 14 clock by phone: 969 15 15 or by e-mail to: muelheim@donumvitae.org reached

This text was published on 9 January 2011 in the NRZ

Monday, January 17, 2011

Cheerleader Gets A Weggie

hit the right note: The music in the monastery Saarn goes into its 25th Years

What to do with a monastery, nuns pray in the long no more and work? Prior to this question were the friends of the 1214 and 1808 founded dissolved Cistercian monastery in Saarn, was restored as the old monastery 25 years ago with money from city, state and diocese. "We wanted to open the monastery and its church and outside the liturgy of worship for as many citizens," recalls former Cultural Affairs Hans-Theo Horn, To date, he is also on the Executive Committee of the monastery Saarner friends.

Together with his late friend Leo Werry he came in 1986 with the idea to bring music to the monastery. "The first concert by a Cologne Ensemble, which played medieval music, was attended not just good," Horn tells the story of a difficult beginning. But the monastery's friend and his colleagues remained true to its motto: "Not the beginning, but the perseverance is rewarded." And they were rewarded.

The Müülheimer of the Savings Bank and the Leonard Foundation-sponsored Music in the monastery Saarn, which now starts with a three-King concert in her jubilee year has became an audience magnet that not only music lovers from all over the country, but also well-known musicians from Germany and abroad, such as the Vienna cathedral organist Peter Planyavsky, his Paris Kollgen Philippe Lefebvre from Nottre lady or the Trinity choir Cambridge tighten.

church musician Werner Schepp, who heads the program of the music series for 20 years as artistic director, estimates the number of concert-goers at the monastery at about 3000 per year. They hear in the monastery and its church Saarn St. Mary's Assumption is not only chamber choir and organ concerts, but also children's musicals. But the Epiphany concert with the ensemble Harmonie Universelle and the mezzo-soprano Cornelia Mary Orenstein inspired 200 people to chamber music by Telemann, Buxtehude and Hammerschmidt. "We have become well established, because we are spiritual impetus and a binding framework that match the beautiful atmosphere of the monastery, the music friends as musicians is equally enjoyed," says Werner Schepp, the success story of music in the monastery Saarn.

For more information, visit: http://www.musik-im-kloster-saarn.de/

This text was published on 14 January 2010 at the Ruhr word