Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Silene Capensis Properties

In Kansas ...

Yesterday it went a long trip (with a brief stop in Guthrie, Oklahoma) from Dallas, TX for Kansas. There we expected and later in the evening in a prominent cold front and thunderstorms storm.

made a first data check We in humid warm south wind and about 29 ° C in Salina, KS. The discovery of an unsecured Wi-Fi hotspots proved a little difficult at first, in a larger business park, we drove the streets up and down the laptops always on her lap. Finally, we found the right in a residential area and looked on the radar at what would do as the squall line in Nebraska Sun We were already at the exit clear that shear and dynamic this time for supercells and tornadoes were not enough, but after a previously uneventful year in Germany, we were just pretty ordinary sharply to a few thunderstorms. First we enjoyed the peace and quiet of the countryside between Salina and Concordia, KS near a highway. In a few Budweiser (in cans), we were certainly more than half an hour, the combination of soft evening light, act chirping crickets, and a sultry warm south wind in the north west slow directionally rotating anvil chain to us. Whom it is sometimes too full of sheer people, cars, houses, the wide landscape of the Plains is really recommended.

remains to the thunderstorms to say that we have experienced after a short wait on a country road a magnificent lightning show from west to north-east horizon, out of more intense outflow (cool, strong downdrafts from the thunderstorm complex ) many dust clouds drove through the countryside and the sand in our eyes. Later that night, we were overwhelmed in our motel in Salina by the storms.

An encounter of the third kind I would not deprive the readers. As we watch the flickering flashes over the fields, we also made the same acquaintance with some rather obtrusive inhabitants of the prairie: the June-bugs. These are thick (about 2.5 cm!), Loud buzzing beetles, which seem particularly happy to sit down on the arms, hands, shoulders and faces. In addition, we also caught her in her dastardly plan, build nests in our collars and later in the car. One can perhaps now the image . Imagine It remains for me to say, the mosquitoes were less of a problem ... the picture shows, as we face the attack of June bugs ...

Today, the cold front by now and we have cool weather to a stark change from 29 ° C and humid air 18 ° C yesterday, gusty north wind and clouds today. Tomorrow there's more info, from the area around Wichita, KS.


Lars, Felix, Eric and Julian


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